Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Next up.... a post on technology. OR Love my DVR!

I grew up watching TV. My mom would plop me down in front of the TV in our family room. The "electronic baby sitter" she would call it. I was one of those kids who knew all the commercial jingles and could sing them from memory ("My bologna has a first name...."). When my kids were little, the pendulum swung the other way, and I didn't let them watch TV nearly as much as I did while growing up. I wanted them to be up and outside. Active. Not couch potatoes. But I am not against TV watching entirely. And technology has advanced to the point where it can help you monitor your TV watching while still allowing you to see what you want. Nowadays I use my DVR to record any shows I want to watch. I don't get distracted by the other shows that seem to be on before or after the one I am really wanting to watch, I can fast forward through those commercials and skip over parts that just aren't interesting, and save some valuable time (something none of us have enough of these days). I spend less time in front of the TV and more time enjoying what I do watch. I use it so much that if I do find myself watching "regular" TV, I subconsciouly want to fast forward through the commericals.

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